This page contains all of the functions and variables in CPlusPlusTranslator.
Global variables
- mb_* (all mouse buttons)
- vk_* (all virtual keys)
- c_* (all colors)
- pi
- fps
- mouse_x
- mouse_y
Local variables
- id
- x
- y
- xprevious
- yprevious
- xstart
- ystart
- friction
- gravity
- gravity_direction
- hspeed
- vspeed
- speed
- direction
Local functions
- createEV()
- destroyEV()
- beginStepEV()
- stepEV()
- endStepEV()
- drawEV()
Built-in functions
- mouse_check_button(numb)
- mouse_check_button_pressed(numb)
- mouse_check_button_released(numb)
- keyboard_check(key)
- keyboard_check_pressed(key)
- keyboard_check_released(key)
- point_direction(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- point_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- abs(x)
- gravity_direction
- instance_create(x,y,obj)
- instance_exists(obj)
- instance_nearest(x,y,obj)
- instance_destroy()
- draw_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,outline)
- draw_set_color(col)
- mod
- and
- or
- $(num)
- repeat(num)
- ID(id)
- OBJ_ID(id)
- dot
CPlusPlusTranslator keywords
- newObject(objectName)
- usingObject(objectName)
- startNewObject(objectName)
- endNewObject
- startObjectvar
- endObjectvar
- startCreateEvent(obj)
- createEvent
- startDestroyEvent(obj)
- destroyEvent
- startBeginStepEvent(obj)
- beginStepEvent
- startStepEvent(obj)
- stepEvent
- startEndStepEvent(obj)
- endStepEvent
- startDrawEvent(obj)
- drawEvent
- endEvent
- startGlobal
- endGlobal
- startGlobalvar
- endGlobalvar
- startGame()
- endGame